Affordable Landscaping With Seedling Choices For Cooler Zones

Tammy Sons
3 min readJan 23, 2022

We asked Tammy Sons of Tn Nursery what the most affordable plants one can purchase that lives in a cooler zone like North Dakota. Tammy was quick to offer expert advice and tell us a couple of great choices. Also, Tammy asked us to link to her seedlings web page to show people just how little they actually cost. Here are her seedlings link HERE and to wholesale large quantities HERE.

Swamp White Oak Seedlings

Most of the time, the swamp white oak seedlings will be used for all types of furniture like cabinets, interior finishing, veneers, flooring, boxes, fence posts, beams, boards, crates, and railroad ties. In the Fall, the blooms will be from an orange-gold to a yellow. Therefore, they are going to bloom the most in the Fall. People will often use them as shades of trees in their yards when the weather is hot. They can grow up to 144 feet tall and can live between 200 and 300 years once they have been planted, so you know that they are going to look great in your yard.

The Seedlings For Zone 4 will grow between two and three feet a year after the roots have been established. They usually have a good chance of surviving because the initial growth is centered around the development of the sources. Therefore, if there is a lot of moisture is can grow to around five feet a year. The acorns could be stable for various animals from these tree-like squirrels, flickers, whitetail deer, and birds. Some of the most common birds that will eat the acorns are a wood duck, woodpeckers, game birds, wild turkey, and blue jays.

A sweet addition to any Season, A sweet Gum

A sweet gum, hazel family tree, loses its ever-changing leaves seasonally. The foliage palmate encompasses a shape resembling a star and is breathtaking. The four stages of the year leave change in color, from brightly green, to as vivid as red or purple in the Fall. Quite a bit of excitement happens with the tree in the Spring. Seed pods can turn excitingly sharp. The vague green, bright flowers grow over time. Like its name, this is a beautiful addition to any area or season. Seasonally sweet in many colorful ways.

Spruce Pine Seedlings

These Spruce Pine seedlings evoke memories of Christmas trees, but this beautiful evergreen is beautiful at any time of year. The conical and irregular canopy is familiar to anyone who has seen pictures of it as a Christmas tree in living rooms and movie screens. Its dense foliage and large lower branches make it a popular choice for landscapers looking for a windbreak or a privacy screening around the yard’s edges. The Spruce Pine’s needles are giant, around 2–3 inches. You will often find 2.5-inch-diameter cones on the Spruce Pine’s branches, which stay on the tree for upwards of 3–4 years. Spruce Pines attract squirrels and other mammals to the yard.



Tammy Sons

Tammy enjoys writing about horticulture, life off the grid, and anything outdoors. Loves junk stores, antiques, and spending time with family. CEO of TN Nursery