Growing Garden Plants for Therapy

Tammy Sons
2 min readOct 22, 2021

There used to be a time, long ago, that you were considered to be a nut case if you talked to your plant or tree. But, the very idea that a plant would be helpful in therapy would label you as certified to be in a mental hospital. However, those times have changed radically. Look at Prince Charles, future king of England. He firmly believes in talking to his plants.

Purple Coneflower- Online Plant Nursery (credit)

Growing garden plants for therapy is now considered very intelligent. You can buy any plant, anytime, online. And it will enhance your life in ways you cannot even imagine.

Tn Nursery Sweet Betsy Perennial

You can get these plants from an online nursery or tree farm, anywhere, anytime. Of course, some trees will not grow in the Summer. So they are not available from June to September. But, come September, the sky’s the limit. You can buy plants from many online sources. Most plants are for sale online at any time. They are specially packaged for you.

Tennessee Wholesale Nursery — Virginia Bluebell

Plants are used for therapy for people who are clinically depressed, developmentally disabled, suicidal, etc. There are millions of people all over the world who have vast gardens in their backyards and greenhouses. They know the intrinsic value of plants to the feeling of human well-being. They know that plants are living creatures that need human companionship. Touching and talking to plants helps them live healthier. And, in turn, help humans to live healthier and happier.

Some people don’t realize just how much power plants have. Allow me to prove to you how trees and plants help us. Trees provide oxygen for us to survive.

As anyone can tell you, humans need oxygen to live. Trees can live without humans. Humans cannot live without trees. If an abundance of trees were cut down, humans would die soon afterward.

That is just one prominent example of how we rely on plants and trees for our very survival. So, you can easily understand how growing garden plants for therapy is an essential step in having a thoroughly happy life. Don’t ever downplay our need for plants and trees. We are all in this world together. We need plants, and plants need us.

That is a fact of life.



Tammy Sons

Tammy enjoys writing about horticulture, life off the grid, and anything outdoors. Loves junk stores, antiques, and spending time with family. CEO of TN Nursery