Tn Nursery Reviews

Tammy Sons
4 min readFeb 7, 2021


Tn Nursery, A/K/A/ Tennessee Wholesale Nursery LLC is one of the oldest and more reputable mail-order nurseries in the United States. With a clientele of over 80,000 customers nationwide, no wonder they are the authority in this industry.

Having served some of the most impressive clients in the world as well as catering to the renowned Discovery Channel, Trump Towers, and Even the Washington Monument makes their reputation proceed them, much less serving some of Hollywood’s top reality stars, NFL football players, and let’s not forget the Swamp People Series main man “Troy Laundry” Himself!

Tn Nursery has over 400 different species of shade, flowering, fast-growing, and native tree species out there plus some of the rarest and exotic perennial wildflower woodies one can ever imagine getting priced affordable. From the highly sought Elderberry Trees for flu syrup to the rare trillium perennial plants that are already a whopping 7 years old in an age when shipped and blooming age to the sweet aroma of honeysuckle vines and let us not forget those every so popular hummingbird vines people scramble to even find. This nursery is the real deal! They ship to everyone in all states and they’ve shipped internationally for over 45 years.

The owner stated that for a quick plug about your plants, no matter if you are a simple homeowner as he is or a Hollywood star, he will send you free plants just for an honest review. “We strive for a good reputation and even though you can’t please everyone, most people are super pleased and easy to work with’.

Below are some top-selling plants of rare and exotics they have to offer that most other online nurseries or garden centers do not have that really caught our eye! Simply click on any one of these links and it will take you right to the E-commerce website and you can order for fast “now” shipping or spring.

Sassafras Trees!

Wild Ginger Perennial Plants!

Bamboo Plants Like The Zoo Has!

The Beautiful Coral Red Dogwood Shrub

The Gorgeous Fast & Femimine Weeling Willow Tree

Crepe Myrtle Trees- Summer’s Last Blooming Shrubs!

Milkweed To Attract Monarchs! They Even Have These!!!!!!!!! Oh WoW!

What about another woody favorite perennial! The Rue Anemone Plants Will Make Master Gardener’s Jaws Drop To See Them In your gardens!

Black Cohosh! People With Herbaceous Plant Knowlede Boils This Plants’ Roots Up For Menopause, To Ease Symptoms

Oh Wow- Wee! Iris Plants are so exotic in Flower beds & Gardens- They have these delicate beauties too!

What about Moss? Every shade garden deserves some lunch greenery, right!? Of course! Moss is a staple in shaded moisture gardens and stays green year round!

Ironwood Trees? The Hercules tree for non-sissies! Try One Today! You Wont Be Dis-satisfied!

What about a beautiful white snowball blooming shrub? The maple leaf viburnum shrub is lovely and a super hardy native shrub.

Jack In The Pulpit plant is probably the rarest of all perennials, Look at it’s blooms! I would personally but fingers off if this were in my garden and someone took it!

Who doesn’t love the grace and beauty of the weeping willow tree? With branches draping to the ground and a weeping beauty at least! An elegant tree and moisture thriver.



Tammy Sons
Tammy Sons

Written by Tammy Sons

Tammy enjoys writing about horticulture, life off the grid, and anything outdoors. Loves junk stores, antiques, and spending time with family. CEO of TN Nursery

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