Tennessee Wholesale Nursery Reviews: Top Three Trees for Windbreaks

Tammy Sons
5 min readJul 9, 2021


Rural and agrarian communities have long understood the importance of windbreaks in protecting crops, livestock, and outbuildings from violent winds. Where the land is flat, in particular, farmers and ranchers learn early on the destructive power of the wind. Yet, these harmful gales and gusts are not confined to farm country. Many homeowners suffer devastating economic tolls due to wind damage. Buffeting these natural forces helps to prevent — or at least minimize — the effects of heavy wind on a residential or commercial property. The key to this effort is landscaping. The essential landscape elements for windbreaking are trees. Three varieties work best at this.

What Are Windbreaks?

The use of windbreaks is an ancient technique to preserve property and its assets. Windbreaks are rows of trees planted in a perpendicular orientation against prevailing winds. Just as shade trees can block heat and ultraviolet rays from the sun, windbreaks stand in resistance to the force and momentum of strong air currents. Not only do windbreaks help to keep a house intact, but they can also save home heating costs when winter winds blow. In fact, one study demonstrated a reduction by 15 percent in energy expenses when trees were properly deployed against the wind.

Trees That Work Best as Windbreaks

Cedar Trees

About the Trees

In myriad varieties and types, all cedar trees are large coniferous evergreens. Cedars are hardy and strong but not invincible. Subject to root weevil, mites, and cypress tip moth, these trees should be inspected on a regular basis to ward off infestation.

Why They Make Excellent Windbreaks

There is a reason why cedar trees line streets and local parks. Tall, but not too tall, their foliage is optimally thick and heavy. In addition, they have a generous life span. They are well-endowed to resist strong gusts.

Oak Trees

About the Trees

There are nearly 600 different kinds of oak trees. Deciduous, leaf-bearing organisms reach 40 feet in height. The strength of these hardwoods is proved by their many uses, including high-quality furniture. Supplying food and cover for diverse wildlife, oak trees symbolize strength and dignity.

Why They Make Excellent Windbreaks

The very sturdiness of their structure and abundance of foliage that bring shelter to fauna serve as strong impediments to violent air currents. The growth of oak trees is moderate, so deep root structures can take hold.

Pine Trees

About the Trees

A favorite grouping for timber production, pine trees are coniferous evergreens found in most parts of the world. Living up to 1,000 years, they grow very thick bark that exudes resin.

Why They Make Excellent Windbreaks

Pine trees grow from moderate to tall in height (>50 feet). Yet their windbreak power is in their extensive lower limbs, which act as relentless drags on incoming gales. Experts recommend planting them 10 to 20 feet apart for best results. Fortunately, they double as dignified ornamentals for any yard.

Top Three Pine Trees to Plant

Trees not only beautify a landscape, they also improve the environmental quality. With hotly debated issues like climate change dominating the news, few voices argue against the planting of trees. Pine trees are of particular benefit: they emit oxygen and yield twice as many seeds where CO2 levels are high. In addition, their root systems mount an effective resistance against soil erosion. Meanwhile, they help diversify ecosystems, providing food sources and cover for myriad fauna. When serving as shade, they actually keep energy usage in check during the hot summer months. Certain species are particularly helpful to plant and to nurture.

Three Pines That Stand Out Among Maple Trees

Interspersing pine trees with deciduous species like maples can both adorn and enhance a property landscape.

Loblolly Pine

About This Tree

Dominant in the American southeast, Loblolly pines are primarily cut for timber and pulpwood. While reaching maturity in about a century and a half, the Loblolly pine can live up to 300 years. This is about on par with many maple trees. The whitetail deer, gray squirrel, and bobwhite quail are known for foraging and nesting in and around Loblollies. Full-grown, this conical, densely-packed tree can reach 110 feet. This fast-growing tree bears dark needles and reddish-brown cones.

Things to Consider

The Loblolly pine tree can grow in a wide range of soil textures. Though it thrives in moist conditions, it holds up vigorously and nobly when drought hits.

Short Leaf Pine

About This Tree

Whether planted near Maple trees or other shrubs, the Short Leaf Pine, or Southern Pine, yields soft, lightweight wood of fine grain and limited pitch. It is prevalent in the southeast though it is found as far north as New York State. Providing food and cover to birds — including wild turkeys — and to smaller mammals, the species called Shortleaf (or Yellow) pine develops a substantial taproot when soil is adequately deep. Reaching nearly 100 feet, this tree can grow straight up or take a crooked path.

Things to Consider

Ubiquitous throughout the south, this pine tree can flourish in a variety of hosts: fertile, agricultural soils, clays, and sandy loams. It grows across a spectrum of elevations and is faster growth in its more mature years. It gets by just fine without consuming many nutrients from the soil.

Southern Yellow Pine — Tennessee Wholesale Nursery Reviews

About the Tree

Southern Yellow Pine is a term that actually embraces the Loblolly and Short Leaf. It also includes the Long Leaf among its fast-growing trees. This species endures a wide range of habitats, but those optimal environments have dry, sandy, and acidic soils that rest from sea level to about 2,300 feet above. When fully mature — they can live in excess of 300 years — at about 150 years, they will extend into the air about 120 feet while the taproot will plumb 12 feet beneath the surface. The bark is fire-resistant and these pines weather drought very well, housing endangered species like red-cockaded woodpeckers and indigo snakes.

Things to Consider

This tree has a reputation for strong resistance to climate change, wind buffets and myriad pests.





























Tennessee Wholesale Nursery Reviews



Tammy Sons
Tammy Sons

Written by Tammy Sons

Tammy enjoys writing about horticulture, life off the grid, and anything outdoors. Loves junk stores, antiques, and spending time with family. CEO of TN Nursery

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